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Weekly Bulletin, April 24, 2022

This Sunday is Expressions of Faith Sunday!


In This Bulletin:


Expressions of Faith Sunday

Reflection: Expression of Faith by Michael Albanese

A few years ago, the Katonah church council implemented Expressions of Faith Sundays as a way to highlight the faith journeys that all of us undertake. We all have different kinds of faith journeys, and there are so many different ways to express our faith. You don't have to be clergy, or a lay preacher, or someone who's been a church member for decades to express your faith. This Sunday, Michael Albanese will be sharing some of his faith journey. Worship is at Katonah UMC - and on Zoom & Facebook Live - at 10:30 am. Don't miss it!


Upcoming & Ongoing Events

This Week

•Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12-1, offered on Zoom and Facebook Live.

•This week's Sunday School lesson, "Jesus Lives," is taught by Patti Kooyman.

Save the Date

Pasta Dinner at the United Methodist Church of Mt. Kisco, April 30 from 5-8 pm. Call 914-666-5014 or email for tickets.

Plant Sale at the United Methodist Church of Mt. Kisco, May 5-6 from 12-6 and May 7 from 9-3.

Kellogg Memorial Scholarship Sunday is June 19.


Giving & Service

Sunday School Food Drive

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Sunday School food drive. We were able to donate a LOT of food to the Community Center!


Table of Grace

Table of Grace is back to offering a hot, sit-down lunch every Saturday at the First UMC of Brewster. The mission of Table of Grace is to offer nourishment to anyone who is hungry physically or spiritually, or both. If you can help some Saturday to prepare and/or serve lunch, using food and supplies that are provided by the Hudson Valley Food Bank or using your own supplies, contact Bonnie Hyatt at


Help for Ukraine

Rev. John Calhoun, an elder in the New York Annual Conference and former missionary to Ukraine, has shared that United Methodists are on the ground responding to this human-caused disaster and caring for the Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing. Through The Advance, the donation platform of the UMC Board of Global Ministries, there are two ways that you can give in support of these efforts:

1. Advance #14053A: Eurasia In Mission Together -- Ukraine and Moldova. Donations to this Advance account will be quickly transferred to the bank account of the UMC of Ukraine, which has a system in place to receive these donations, put them to immediate use, and provide reporting on the usage of these funds. To donate, make your check payable to either Katonah or Purdys UMC, and mark Advance #14053A in the memo line, or go to: Eurasia in Mission Together.

2. Advance #982450: UMCOR International Disaster Response. Donations to this Advance account will be directed to UMCOR, which is already partnering with agencies on the ground in Eastern and Central Europe to assist those displaced by the fighting. Donations to this account should be designated "for Ukraine." To donate, make your check payable to either Katonah or Purdys UMC, and mark Advance #982450 in the memo line, or go to: UMCOR International Disaster Response.


Donald R. Kellogg Memorial Scholarship

The Donald R. Kellogg Memorial Scholarship recognizes individuals who selflessly serve and contribute to the Katonah community through their actions, fellowship and commitment to service. Don Kellogg was a “quiet doer” in the community – a man dedicated to his family and Katonah that served in a number of local organizations, always willing to lend a hand and give of himself.

Members of the Katonah United Methodist Church and the Kellogg family serve on this scholarship fund committee and an award commitment of $5000 has been established for the calendar year 2022. The committee is targeting a June disbursement date and two awardees to share this commitment based on the community’s response to this request.

Organizations and persons interested in rewarding an individual who has enriched our community are encouraged to read on. Scholarships will be awarded to individuals planning to enroll in either a skills training course or degree program. Nominations will be accepted through May 10. The nomination process is described below.

Sponsors should send a brief letter describing the individual’s commitment to community service supported by specific examples. The sponsor should also provide a description of the training course or degree program that the individual plans to attend, the estimated cost of the program and the sponsor’s contact information. All award decisions by the committee will be final. Scholarships will be payable directly to the student. Nomination letters can be emailed to Nina Kellogg at or mailed to the following address by May 10:

Donald R. Kellogg Memorial Scholarship Committee

Katonah United Methodist Church

5 Bedford Road

Katonah, New York 10536


Love & Support

April Birthdays

Heidi Fiederlein-Kesper 4/8

Stefan Swee 4/15

Melissa Boyer 4/19

Alice Walsh 4/26

Katie Gonoud 4/27

Benjamin Carminucci 4/30


Prayers of the Church Family

For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:

Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Aryanna Boyer, Lucas Chapman, Sara Reino, Stefan Spall, Jakob Wenis

For Those In Need of Help and Healing:

Wendy Archer, Justine Burzesi, Barbara Coffin, Inday Day, Sheila de Roode, Alice Elliott, Richard G, Kathy Gallagher, Carl Gioio & family, Zannie Johnson, Brian Jones, Yvonne Knudsen, Angie Lemaster, Bob M., Laure Milliot, The Murphy Family, Louis Pugh, Joe Seroka, Marja-Liisa Smith, Nicole Wilson

For Those Fighting Cancer:

Charlie, Diane, Leah, Doreen Bistany, Tom Conroy, Benny Custodio, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Karen Eiler, Paul Harris, Janice Hollander, April Midin, Petie Nylund, Stephen Rannekleiv, Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman

For Those Grieving:

Loved ones of Susan Albanese, Christine Camarra, Ruby Chapman, Amy Doza, Ernie Greenslade, George Milliot, Phil Maliniak

Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

Irene Burns, Inez Campbell, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Ken & Rosemary Ingersoll, Pastor Jin Kim, Lois Mold, Eleanor Murphy, Matty Oschwald, Ronald Schultzel, Mike Wenis



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Support Our Growing Community

Katonah United Methodist Church

5 Bedford Road, Katonah NY 10536

Purdys United Methodist Church

106 Titicus Rd North Salem, NY 10560

Need to Contact Us?


The Purdys church building has an entrance ramp and an accessible bathroom.

The Katonah church building has a ramp as well as a doorbell. In the Katonah location, there are assistive listening devices and large print materials, as well as an accessible bathroom.

© 2025 Katonah and Purdys United Methodist Churches

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