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Weekly Bulletin, November 5th , 2023


Join Us in Worship!

Please join worship at 10:30 in person at Purdys UMC or on Zoom for worship led by Rev. Lori Miller.

The scripture is Revelation 7:9-17, and the sermon this week is entitled "Called to be Saints."

Jane Freeman and Carol Fisher Sunday School this week; the lesson is "A House for God."


Upcoming & Ongoing Events

Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12:30-1:30

in the Katonah UMC sanctuary as well as on Zoom.

Charge Conference November 19th

Donald R. Kellogg Scholarship Fund Annual Cookie Walk December 3rd

Emergency Shelter Partnership Host Week: December 4th


Sunday November 5th is All Saints Sunday.

If you would like to, please send the names of loved ones who have died in the past year whom they would like remembered you would like us to remember in worship this Sunday. The latest this can be sent is 12pm tomorrow, Saturday the 4th.

You can send the names to Erika at


Calling all Bakers!!

It's that time of the year when we come together to raise funds for the Donald R. Kellogg Scholarship Fund through our Annual Cookie Walk! The event will take place on Sunday, December 3rd right after worship in the Katonah parlor.

For those of you that are new to this event ... it is a fundraiser to support the Annual Memorial Scholarship given in June to honor Donald R. Kellogg. The award recognizes individuals who selflessly serve and contribute to the Katonah community through their actions, fellowship and commitment to service. Don Kellogg was a “quiet doer” in the community – a man dedicated to his family and Katonah that served in a number of local organizations, always willing to lend a hand and give of himself.

The way the Cookie Walk works is that you purchase a tin for $5, $10, or $15, don a pair of plastic gloves and go around a table of scrumptious cookies that we've all baked and fill your tin! This year we'd also like to include Gluten Free cookies, so if you have a good recipe, please bake some!

Also, if you have any cookie tins at home, please bring them in over the next month so that we have lots of tins to fill up. There will be a box in the back of the sanctuary near the coat rack to put them.

A sign-up sheet to let us know what cookies you'll be baking will be on the table in the Parlor. Make lots!!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Ellen Rohrer at

Happy Baking!!


New Group Meeting: Grief and Loss Support

Mindy Yanish, Interfaith Minister and Certified Grief Educator, will be providing free grief and loss support to members of Katonah and Purdys UMCs. Any form of loss, both recent or not, needs to be witnessed and understood. She provides the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of loss.

This free weekly support group will start on Sunday November 12, 2023 after coffee hour in the parlor. For more information or individual consultation, please contact Reverend Yanish at 914-334-0030 or

For those individuals who are interested but unable to attend at this hour/day, please let us know so that we can consider other options.


From Around the Cooperative Parish

Katonah & Purdys United Methodist Churches are part of the Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish along with First UMC Brewster, Trinity-Boscobel UMC in Buchanan, Drew UMC in Carmel, Asbury UMC in Croton, the UMC of Mt. Kisco, Peekskill UMC, Grace UMC of Putnam Valley, the UMC of Shrub Oak, and Yorktown UMC.

This section of the church bulletin highlights ministries and events happening around the Parish.

For more information about the Cooperative Parish, talk to Bonnie Hyatt (, the Cooperative Parish representative from Purdys, or Ellen Rohrer (, the representative from Katonah.



Love & Support

Prayers of the Church Family

Prayers of the Church Family

Joys & Thanksgivings: The engagement of Devon & Kaila

For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:

Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Sarah Esposito, Sara Reino, Stefan Spall, Evahn Wenis, Alex Kent, Skylar

For Those In Need of Help and Healing:

Ken & Susan, Liz, Nann, Olga, Justine Burzesi, Ellie Lucas Chapman, Leeann Coffin, John Corneck, Tee Cotter, Sheila de Roode, Galena E., Alice Elliott, Karina Feliz, Carl Gioio & family, Bob M., Anne Murdock, Louis Pugh, Chuck S., Marja-Liisa Smith, Mary W., Terry Waters, Christian Wenis, Nicole Wilson, Melanie H, Erich Wenis, Michelle and Wende, Anne Corneck, Ann Rannekliev, Ellen Wenis, Elizabeth, Jimmy

For Those Fighting Cancer:

Charlie, Diane, Leah, Noel, Valerie, Theresa Baird, Doreen Bistany, Benny Custodio, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Alice Dunn, Karen Eiler, Jim Fleming, Janice Hollander, April Midin, Petie Nylund, Artie R., Laila R., Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman, Andi Strauss, Margaret Howe

For Those Grieving:

Lindsey, Loved ones of Thomas, Elizabeth Brown, Christine Camarra, Chip Mathewson, George Milliot, Ophelia Banklian Newbold, Ruth Ryder, Joe Seroka, Marilyn Shipman, the Family of Dr. Krystal Cascetta, the Family of Angela and Janina, and all who grieve

Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

Mary Ann Albanese, Mike Berardino, Irene Burns, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Pastor Jin Kim, Yvonne Knudsen, Lois Mold, Matty Oschwald, Emily Procopis, Ellen & Mike Wenis

Birthdays in the Church Family

William Johnson 11/3

Sue Fitzgerald 11/5

Lissen Johnson 11/9

Robert Johnson 11/15

Lukas Johnson 11/15

Maureen Bilello 11/16

Paul Stark 11/20

Jeff Kellogg 11/21

Cameron Kidde 11/27

Connor Boyer-Holt 11/30


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Support Our Growing Community

Katonah United Methodist Church

5 Bedford Road, Katonah NY 10536

Purdys United Methodist Church

106 Titicus Rd North Salem, NY 10560

Need to Contact Us?


The Purdys church building has an entrance ramp and an accessible bathroom.

The Katonah church building has a ramp as well as a doorbell. In the Katonah location, there are assistive listening devices and large print materials, as well as an accessible bathroom.

© 2025 Katonah and Purdys United Methodist Churches

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