This Sunday we continue the "Faces of Our Faith" series from the fall.
Second Sunday After Epiphany
Scripture: Genesis 2:4-9, 15-23
Sermon: “Faces of Our Faith: Adam & Eve"
Reverend Melissa Boyer, Minister
Peter Muir, Guest Musician
While it is likely prudent for most to stay at home during this spike, we will keep the option available for those who choose to come to worship in person. Worship will continue to be offered over Zoom and Facebook Live as well as in person at Katonah UMC. (Worship is at Purdys UMC on the first Sunday of each month.) Scroll down for zoom information.
Upcoming & Ongoing Events
This Week at a Glance
•Prayer Circle every Wednesday from 12-1, offered on Zoom and Facebook Live.
•Friday Bible Study is on January 14 from 12:30-1:30 on Zoom.
•Pet Food Pantry is open in the Katonah Parish Hall on Saturday, January 15, from 11-1.
•Appalachia Service Project meets over Zoom on Sunday, January 16 from 2:30-3:30 pm.
Save the Date
•Katonah UMC Trustees meet Wednesday, January 19 at 7:30 pm on Zoom.
•"Spirituality and Dementia" webinar with Rev. Lynn Casteel Harper, author of On Vanishing, is Thursday, March 3 at 7 pm on Zoom.
•The Emergency Shelter Partnership will be held in the Parish Hall of Katonah UMC March 6-13. Volunteers will be needed to help provide meals, so please mark your calendars.
Giving & Service
Donate to Katonah & Purdys
Please remember to keep up with your tithes and offerings as you are able! Here are three different ways to send your donations to the church:
If you use online banking, have your bank send a check to Katonah UMC, attn Financial Secretary, 5 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 or Purdys UMC, 106 Titicus Road, North Salem, NY 10560.
Send a check in the mail to Katonah UMC, attn Financial Secretary, 5 Bedford Road, Katonah, NY 10536 or Purdys UMC, 106 Titicus Road, North Salem, NY 10560.
For gifts to Katonah UMC, you can donate here. Or you can go to your PayPal account and send a payment to Katonah UMC using the email address
Table of Grace is on pause while COVID cases remain high.
The Mission of Table of Grace is to feed those who are hungry and to nourish body, mind and spirit. Whether in need or in wealth, all are welcome at the table.
​In 2020, the Table of Grace Community Kitchen began serving bagged lunches outside the First Methodist Church of Brewster, and began serving hot lunches in December of 2021. In order to prioritize everyone's safety, we have paused serving lunches and will resume once the COVID situation looks better.
Worship Information
Star Words
If you were not in person in worship on Epiphany Sunday, you didn't get a Star Word! Just as we rely on stars for guidance, your star word can give you things to think about and sharpen your focus for 2022. For example, if the word you get is "freedom," you can notice where you and others are or are not free. If you'd like Pastor Melissa to randomly pick a star word for you, email
Information for joining worship via Zoom or Facebook Live remains the same every week:
Click on this link to join via Zoom.
(If you don't have Zoom, it's free, and safe to download by clicking here.)
Or go to Zoom, choose "Join a Meeting,"
and enter the meeting ID: 914 232 4094
and the password: 10536.
You can also join from any kind of phone by calling 646-558-8656.
When prompted, enter the meeting ID: 914 232 4094.
When asked for a participant ID, just hit the pound sign.
When prompted, enter the password: 10536.
(When you call on the phone, you can unmute or mute yourself by pressing *6.)
The service will also be livestreamed at 10:30 am
on the Katonah & Purdys Facebook page.
You don't have to have a Facebook account to be able to watch.
Love & Support
A Note from Pastor Melissa
Dear Katonah and Purdys UMCs,
Thank you so much for the generous Christmas gifts! I count you among my blessings every day. It's truly a joy to serve as your pastor!
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Melissa
January Birthdays
Dorothy Seirup 1/3
Haley Rohrer 1/7
Caleigh Boyer-Holt 1/12
Heidi Fiederlein-Kesper 1/12
Linda Gabrielsen 1/13
Melinda Benson 1/18
Sarah Elconin 1/18
Leeann Coffin 1/21
Christie Johnson 1/23
Prayers of the Church Family
Joys & Thanksgivings:
For Cathy, Michelle Dillman's aunt, for her successful cancer treatment!
Paul Stark, for his successful cancer treatment!
For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:
Stefan Spall, Sara Reino, Lucas Chapman, Tucker, Ellie, Aiden, Danny, Olivia Vitale, Jakob Wenis
For Those In Need of Help and Healing:
Carl Gioio and family, Nicole Wilson, Justine Burzesi, Marja-Liisa Smith, Yvonne Knudsen, Joe Seroka, Alice Elliott, Bob M., Zannie Johnson, The Murphy Family, Inday Day, Angie Lemaster and her children, Heather Cattoor, Sheila De Roode , Louis Pugh, Barbara Coffin, Leeann Coffin, Maureen Bilello, Heidi Fiederlein-Kesper
For Those Fighting Cancer:
Janice Hollander, Jason Silverman, Lois Demaio , Christine Dacey, April Midin, Leah, Diane, Petie Nylund, Tom Conroy, Rev. Karen Eiler, Janet Schuman
For Those Grieving:
Loved ones of Christine Camarra, Susan Albanese (mother of Michael Albanese), Marion Vella, Phil Maliniak, Millie Austin, Ruby Chapman (mother of Amy Chapman), Dick Ryley
Those Homebound In Nursing Homes And Care Facilities:
Ken & Rosemary Ingersoll, Lois Mold, Dotty Seirup, Matty Oschwald, Eleanor Murphy, Inez Campbell, Irene Burns, Mike Wenis, Ernie Greenslade, Pastor Jin Kim, Ronald Schultzel