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Weekly Bulletin, January 22, 2022

In This Bulletin:


Third Sunday after Epiphany

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 1:10-18

This Sunday we begin a new worship series, "Glimpses of the Kin-dom," with a sermon exploring what it means to strive to have the "mind of Christ." Please join in worship at Katonah UMC (or on Zoom) this Sunday at 10:30 am!


Upcoming & Ongoing Events

•Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12-1, in the Katonah UMC sanctuary
as well as on Zoom.

•Friday Bible Study meets on Zoom from 12-1. We're studying the Book of Acts.

•This week's Sunday School lesson, "David Shows Kindness," will be taught by Patti Kooyman.

•The Racial Justice Team of Katonah & Purdys presents the PBS documentary "Driving While Black," followed by a panel discussion, on Friday, January 20 at 7 pm
at the Katonah Parish Hall. Refreshments will be served.


Giving & Service

Table of Grace

The mission of Table of Grace is to offer nourishment to anyone who is hungry physically or spiritually, or both. If you can help any Saturday to prepare and serve a hot lunch at the First UMC of Brewster (using supplies that are provided by the Hudson Valley Food Bank), contact Bonnie Hyatt at


From Around the Cooperative Parish

Katonah & Purdys United Methodist Churches are now part of the newly-expanded Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish along with First UMC Brewster, Trinity-Boscobel UMC in Buchanan, Drew UMC in Carmel, Asbury UMC in Croton, the UMC of Mt. Kisco, Peekskill UMC, Grace UMC of Putnam Valley, the UMC of Shrub Oak, and Yorktown UMC.

This section of the church bulletin highlights ministries and events happening around the Parish.

+Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish Conversations on Privilege and Race take place on the last Saturday of each month over Zoom at 10 am. Click here to join via Zoom, or use the following info:

Meeting ID: 893 3921 7734

Passcode: jesus

Dial: 1-929-436-2866

Meeting ID: 893 3921 7734

Passcode: 486390

+Every Wednesday from 7-7:45 pm there is a prayer conference call for the entire Cooperative Parish. The number is 605-468-8013, access code 970901#. Please feel free to also email your prayer requests to Pastor Bernadette Logan at


The UMC In Mission to the World

submitted by Bonnie Hyatt

Another mission of the City Society is the United Methodist Center in Far Rockaway, an outreach program that provides food, clothing, referrals and counseling services to 125-150 people per day from the community. The mission was incorporated in 1982 to serve the Far Rockaway Community, especially those in need. The Mission has continued to be one of the major feeding programs in Queens. For thirty years the mission has served people in need by providing hospitality and spiritual, social and physical services which foster self-confidence and pride.

To date they have served:

20,823 meals

47,420 clients

7,307 pantry bags

Check out the video. I love that even with COVID they were able to hand the plate of food out at the door.


Love & Support

Prayers of the Church Family

For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:

Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Sarah Esposito, Sara Reino, Stefan Spall

For Those In Need of Help and Healing:

Filomena, Olga; Dennis & Jean Boyer, Justine Burzesi, Ellie Lucas Chapman, John Corneck, Tee Cotter, Sheila de Roode, Alice Elliott, Carl Gioio & family, Briedge Joyce, Ed Lane, Bob M., Erika Panzarino, Louis Pugh; Anne, Karen, Nieves, & Stephen Rannekleiv; Marja-Liisa Smith, Michelle Wenis, Nicole Wilson

For Those Fighting Cancer:

Charlie, Diane, Leah, Valerie, Theresa Baird, Doreen Bistany, Benny Custodio, Tom Conroy, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Alice Dunn, Karen Eiler, Jim Fleming, Paul Harris, Janice Hollander, April Midin, Petie Nylund, Artie R., Laila R., Ruth Ryder, Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman, Andi Strauss

For Those Grieving:

Loved ones of Elizabeth Brown, Christine Camarra, Carol L., Bruce Laemmel, Cindy Mathewson, George Milliot, Eleanor Murphy, Ophelia Banklian Newbold, Joe Seroka

Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

Mary Ann Albanese, Irene Burns, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Pastor Jin Kim, Yvonne Knudsen, Lois Mold, Matty Oschwald, Ronald Schultzel, Ellen & Mike Wenis

Birthdays in the Church Family

Haley Rohrer 1/7

Caleigh Boyer-Holt 1/12

Glenna Briant 1/12

Heidi Fiederlein-Kesper 1/12

Linda Gabrielsen 1/13

Melinda Benson 1/18

Sarah Elconin 1/18

Leeann Coffin 1/21

Christie Johnson 1/23


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Support Our Growing Community

Katonah United Methodist Church

5 Bedford Road, Katonah NY 10536

Purdys United Methodist Church

106 Titicus Rd North Salem, NY 10560

Need to Contact Us?


The Purdys church building has an entrance ramp and an accessible bathroom.

The Katonah church building has a ramp as well as a doorbell. In the Katonah location, there are assistive listening devices and large print materials, as well as an accessible bathroom.

© 2025 Katonah and Purdys United Methodist Churches

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