This Sunday is Part 3 of our summer series on the Book of Revelation.
In This Bulletin:
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Revelation 5:1-13
This summer we are working our way through the book of Revelation. This last book in the Bible raises all kinds of questions about its meaning and what it might have to say to us now. "Why Church?" was the question we explored the first Sunday of the series. "Why Worship?" was last Sunday's question. "Why Sacrifice?" is this Sunday's question. I hope you can attend worship in person (at Katonah UMC) or on Zoom at 10:30.
Upcoming & Ongoing Events
This Week
•Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12-1. On July 27 and August 3, prayer circle will be held on Zoom only.
•Pastor Melissa will be away July 27-August 3. In case of a pastoral care emergency, please contact Stacey Elconin (914-275-7654,
for a referral.
Save the Date
•Bonnie Hyatt is preaching and leading worship at Katonah UMC at 10:30 am on July 27.
•Friday Bible Study will resume on August 5 from 12-1 on Zoom.
•On Sunday, August 7, we will honor and bless graduates!
•You are invited to a BBQ for all the churches of the Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish at the United Methodist Church of Shrub Oak on Saturday, August 27 at 4 pm. All are welcome (but not required) to bring a side dish or drinks to share.
Giving & Service
Hygiene Kits for UMCOR: Monetary Donations Needed!
Thanks to everyone who helped assemble 100 hygiene kits for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)! And a special thank you to Kaylie Grieger and Michelle Dillmann for procuring the items for the kits! Donations toward the cost of the kits are needed, and may be made payable to either Katonah UMC or Purdys UMC.
Table of Grace
The mission of Table of Grace is to offer nourishment to anyone who is hungry physically or spiritually, or both. If you can help any Saturday to prepare and/or distribute bag lunches (using supplies that are provided by the Hudson Valley Food Bank, or using your own supplies), contact Bonnie Hyatt at We are now serving bag lunches on the sidewalk outside the First UMC of Brewster again until the winter months.
Love & Support
Prayers of the Church Family
For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:
Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Lucas Chapman, Sara Reino, Aryanna Smith, Stefan Spall, Jakob Wenis
For Those In Need of Help and Healing:
Filomena, Wendy Archer, Justine Burzesi, John Corneck, Tee Cotter, Sheila de Roode, Alice Elliott, Richard G., Kathy Gallagher, Carl Gioio & family, Yvonne Knudsen, Bob M., Laure Milliot, Louis Pugh, Joe Seroka, Marja-Liisa Smith, Nicole Wilson, victims of violence everywhere
For Those Fighting Cancer:
Charlie, Diane, Leah, Valerie, Doreen Bistany, Tom Conroy, Benny Custodio, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Karen Eiler, Paul Harris, Janice Hollander, Carol L., April Midin, Petie Nylund, Stephen Rannekleiv, Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman
For Those Grieving:
Loved ones of Christine Camarra, Inez Campbell, Ruby Chapman, David Gambardella, Ernie Greenslade, Bruce Laemmel, Cindy Mathewson, George Milliot, Phil Maliniak
Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:
Mary Ann Albanese, Irene Burns, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Ken & Rosemary Ingersoll, Pastor Jin Kim, Lois Mold, Eleanor Murphy, Matty Oschwald, Ronald Schultzel, Mike Wenis