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Weekly Bulletin, November 27, 2022

In This Bulletin:


"Genealogy of Christ," by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman

First Sunday in Advent

Scripture: Matthew 1:1-17

This Sunday we begin the Advent worship series, "From Generation to Generation." The scripture for the first Sunday in Advent gives us the genealogy of Jesus. There are five women listed by name in the genealogy, which is unusual in the Bible. Why are their names given? What is our own connection to the generations before us and after us? Explore these questions in worship at 10:30 am either on Zoom or in person at Katonah UMC. (Worship is at Purdys on first Sundays & at Katonah the remaining Sundays.)


Upcoming & Ongoing Events

This Week

•Prayer Circle is every Wednesday from 12-1, in the Katonah UMC sanctuary
as well as on Zoom.

•There is no Sunday School this Sunday due to the holiday weekend.

•Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish Conversations on Privilege and Race take place on the last Saturday of each month over Zoom at 10 am.
The next conversation is November 26. Click here for Zoom info.

Save the Date

•The Racial Justice Team of Katonah & Purdys will show the PBS documentary
"Slavery By Another Name" in the Parish Hall of Katonah UMC on
Friday, December 2 at 7 pm, followed by a panel discussion. Popcorn will be served!

•Our yearly Charge Conference will be held with the other churches in our Cooperative Parish on Sunday, December 4 at 2 pm, at Peekskill United Methodist Church.


Giving & Service

Table of Grace

The mission of Table of Grace is to offer nourishment to anyone who is hungry physically or spiritually, or both. If you can help any Saturday to prepare and serve a hot lunch at the First UMC of Brewster (using supplies that are provided by the Hudson Valley Food Bank), contact Bonnie Hyatt,

Share the Warmth Drive for the Community Center of
Northern Westchester

We're collecting NEW warm pajamas and NEW hats, scarves and gloves for newborns through 18 year-olds. Donations can be brought to either church.

Holiday Food Drive for the Community Center of Northern Westchester

Donations of flour, sugar (1-2 lb bags), vegetable/olive oil, coffee, tea bags (small boxes), hot chocolate, or butter or shortbread cookies can be brought to either church. Frozen turkey breasts or frozen roaster chickens can be brought directly to the Community Center. See the website for hours and location.


From Around the Cooperative Parish

Katonah & Purdys United Methodist Churches are now part of the newly-expanded Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish along with First UMC Brewster, Trinity-Boscobel UMC in Buchanan, Drew UMC in Carmel, Asbury UMC in Croton, the UMC of Mt. Kisco, Peekskill UMC, Grace UMC of Putnam Valley, the UMC of Shrub Oak, and Yorktown UMC.

This section of the church newsletter will highlight ministries and events happening around the Parish.

+Northern Westchester Cooperative Parish Conversations on Privilege and Race take place on the last Saturday of each month over Zoom at 10 am. The next conversation is November 26. Click here to join via Zoom, or use the following info:

Meeting ID: 893 3921 7734

Passcode: jesus

Dial: 1-929-436-2866

Meeting ID: 893 3921 7734

Passcode: 486390

+Every Wednesday from 7-7:45 pm there is a prayer conference call for the entire Cooperative Parish. The number is 605-468-8013, access code 970901#. Please feel free to also email your prayer requests to Pastor Bernadette Logan at

+This year's Charge Conference will be held with the other churches in our Cooperative Parish on Sunday, December 4 at 2 pm, at Peekskill United Methodist Church.


Love & Support

Prayers of the Church Family

For Young People In Need of Help and Healing:

Aiden, Danny, Ellie, Emily, Olivia, Tucker, Sarah Esposito, Sara Reino, Aryanna Smith, Stefan Spall, Evahn Wenis, Jakob Wenis

For Those In Need of Help and Healing:

Filomena, Olga, Wendy Archer, Dennis & Jean Boyer, Justine Burzesi, Ellie Lucas Chapman, John Corneck, Tee Cotter, Sheila de Roode, Alice Elliott, Richard G, Carl Gioio & family, Ed Lane, Bob M., Melissa Magnotta, Louis Pugh, Nieves Rannekleiv, Robert Resendez, Marja-Liisa Smith, Terry Waters, Nicole Wilson

For Those Fighting Cancer:

Charlie, Diane, Leah, Valerie, Doreen Bistany, Benny Custodio, Tom Conroy, Christine Dacey, Lois Demaio, Peter DiBart, Alice Dunn, Karen Eiler, Paul Harris, Janice Hollander, Carol L., April Midin, Petie Nylund, Stephen Rannekleiv, Ruth Ryder, Janet Schuman, Jason Silverman, Andi Strauss

For Those Grieving:

Loved ones of Elizabeth Brown, Christine Camarra, Inez Campbell, Ruby Chapman, David Gambardella, Bruce Laemmel, Cindy Mathewson, George Milliot, Phil Maliniak, Ophelia Banklian Newbold, Joe Seroka

Those Homebound, In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

Mary Ann Albanese, Irene Burns, Bodo Fischer, Harriet Harris, Pastor Jin Kim, Yvonne Knudsen, Lois Mold, Eleanor Murphy, Matty Oschwald, Ronald Schultzel, Mike Wenis

Birthdays in the Church Family

William Johnson 11/3

Sue Fitzgerald 11/5

Lissen Johnson 11/9

Robert Johnson 11/15

Lukas Johnson 11/15

Maureen Bilello 11/16

Paul Stark 11/20

Jeff Kellogg 11/21

Cameron Kidde 11/27

Connor Boyer-Holt 11/30


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