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by guest blogger Alexander LeGuillou

“My God is…my place of safety.”—Psalm 18:2

Jesus came down to earth over two thousand years ago to teach us the way of Love and save us from sin. As he rode through the streets of Jerusalem, the people cried “Hosanna—save us,” foreshadowing his resurrection. We know that God saves; we also know that God is safety itself. Love is safety: a secure place in which the Human and the Divine coexist. If we expand what it means to be saved to be safe and secure, then Love is the foundation of our salvation. God’s love carries and secures and empowers. It’s not a “trickle down” hierarchy but a secure fortress that has been built from the ground up. Central to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the notion that we can come to that fortress and be sheltered by it. We can meet God wherever we are, whomever we are. No matter where we are, God is always a safe place of love, gentleness, and mercy.

I wonder what the Church would be like if it asked “Are you safe?” as frequently as it asked “Are you saved?” Foremost, it would mean that loving God and loving neighbor take priority as obligatory and tangible commitments, by putting Love into action. It would mean upholding that human being are holy regardless of race, gender and ability. But also on a personal level, I can make decisions and take actions that keep me from harm and from doing harm to others. It means recognizing when I go astray and letting God call me back. Recently, the imagery of Jesus asleep on the boat during the storm has served as my place of safety, especially at night as I’m falling asleep or when I’m experiencing strong emotions. The image helps my mind and my body relax as I imagine that I’m the one asleep while Jesus is at the front of the boat, letting me find anchoring peace faster than ever before.

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5 Bedford Road, Katonah NY 10536

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106 Titicus Rd North Salem, NY 10560

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The Purdys church building has an entrance ramp and an accessible bathroom.

The Katonah church building has a ramp as well as a doorbell. In the Katonah location, there are assistive listening devices and large print materials, as well as an accessible bathroom.

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