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Prayer & Meditation
Midweek Meditation: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
Guided meditation and prayer based on Psalm 34:18
Midweek Meditation: I can only look for something that I have, to some degree, already found....
How can I search for beauty and truth unless that beauty and truth are already known to me in the depth of my heart?
Midweek Meditation: It is enough to know you and be known by you....
May we learn to sit with you in silence, and know it is enough to know you, and be known by you, and know ourselves...
Midweek Meditation: I yell out to God...
I yell out to my God, I yell with all my might...He listens. (Psalm 77)
Midweek Meditation: The prayer of our heart
To the degree that our prayer has become the prayer of our heart we will see more light and more darkness, more grace and more sin...
Midweek Meditation: Deep silence
Deep silence leads us to realize that prayer is, above all, acceptance.
Midweek Meditation: "Like us, you know grief."
Like us, you know pain and sorrow. So when grief, pain, and sorrow come knocking at our door, incline our ears toward you..."
Midweek Meditation: "Help me trust my own worth."
Help me trust my own worth as one you call Beloved...
Midweek Meditation: "Love begets love."
A guided meditation along the path of Love.
Midweek Meditation: "Always a place for us under God's wing..."
I may not always be with God, but God is always with me.
Midweek Meditation: "Called, invited and loved with all that I am..."
"I forget that I am called, invited, and loved with all that I am — including my mess, my beauty, my faith, and my doubt."
Midweek Meditation: "Prayer is our bridge to Home."
"Prayer arises from our deepest hope: for the abundance of life that comes when we abide in our deepest home, our widest consciousness."
Midweek Meditation: "Movement from loneliness to solitude is the beginning of any spiritual life.."
Movement from loneliness to solitude is the beginning of any spiritual life...
Midweek Meditation: "Turn down the noise in our minds, in our lives..."
She said, "How do you know when you are hearing from God?"︱I didn't know how to explain︱ It is to explain the butter grit of cornbread to...
Midweek Meditation: "May we laugh harder because we have learned to let ourselves weep with you..."
"We will tell you the truth of our lives and of this world. And we will listen to the truth you speak back to us..."
Midweek Meditation and Prayer: Be Still and Know (January 5, 2022)
Know that God's word is spoken fully only in silence.
Midweek Meditation & Prayer: A Pattern of Prayer (December 29, 2021)
Gratitude, Review, Sorrow, Forgiveness, and Grace
Midweek Meditation & Prayer: The Solid Place (December 22, 2021)
You have to trust the place that is solid, the place where you can say yes to God’s love even when you do not feel it. . . .
Midweek Meditation & Prayer: The Cup of Joy (December 14, 2021)
This week's guided meditation is based on the writing of Henri Nouwen.
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